About Me

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I was a Media Studies major at UNCG. My hobbies are reading science fiction/fantasy books, reading fanfiction, watching TV and movies. This is the second blog that I have worked on. An Invisible Point of View was started as a project for my MST 222 Internet & Society class.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Review of One Live to Live 11/5

Cole turned himself over to the police and will be charged with murder. I am so glad that we will soon be rid of him. Marty has to defend her decision about releasing Hannah to the review board. I wish that Brody would stop jumping all over Ford because Ford may or may not be Jessica's baby daddy. I actually want Jessica's baby to be Ford's, even though I like Jessica and Brody together. It is so obvious that Ford already cares about the child's wellbeing and he does not know if it is his yet. Plus, the Ford family is not lacking in the looks department (Ford, James and Nate--yummy!). It appears that the infamous abusive father of the Fords is in Llanview. Echo tells Clint that Rex is their son and he admits that he forged the letters. This means that Clint has to know that Rex is his but why does he not want to acknowledge this fact? Is it because he hates that Echo nearly broke him and Viki up? Speaking of Viki, she has figured out that Echo is Rex's mom.

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