About Me

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I was a Media Studies major at UNCG. My hobbies are reading science fiction/fantasy books, reading fanfiction, watching TV and movies. This is the second blog that I have worked on. An Invisible Point of View was started as a project for my MST 222 Internet & Society class.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Review of One Live to Live 11/1

Because my classes interfere with my favorite soap operas, I am forced to watch them online at abc.com using their video player. There are advantages to watching my soaps online, such as not having to deal with many commercials, being able to pause, and being able to focus on other things during the few short advertisements that are played. One of my favorite soaps is One Live to Live, which along with General Hospital, airs on ABC.

Cole, Starr, and baby Hope finally get to have their happy little family reunion after two kidnapping/hostage situations. The Cramer women (Blair, Kelly, Langston, Dorian, Starr, and Hope) also have reunion after the damage inflicted upon them by the evil Eli and crazy Hannah. Hannah is so damn delusional! She kidnaps and attempts to murder three people (including a toddler!) in order to ensure that she has Cole to herself. After she is arrested, she actually believes that Marty the psychiatrist (and Cole's mom) will actually stand up for her at her arraignment after threatening the woman's family. I agree with Blair that Marty should have realized that Hannah was actually crazy and that it was a stupid idea to let Hannah live in Marty's home.

Cole did not know that Hannah was the one holding Starr and their daughter hostage (this time). He shot and killed Eli because he thought the girls died when Eli set the warehouse to explode. Marty, knowing that her son already had a record, decided to take the fall for him. There is nothing wrong with a mother wanting to protect her child. However, Cole is impulsive and never thinks things through. Marty did not think about Cole's fingerprints on the gun nor the lack of gunshot residue on her person. She gets all pissed off at Natalie didn't lie to John. Natalie tried to lie but the forensic reports were already in and John is a smart detective. Nor does Marty have any right to say that Natalie is responsible for Marty's family falling apart. Cole was the one who murdered Eli. Cole and Starr have been falling apart for quite awhile (how much longer do I have to wait for James/Starr?). John and Natalie were already finding their way back to each other before Marty even found out she was pregnant. Eli was the one to push Marty down the stairs which caused her to miscarry.

Meanwhile, Rex and Viki try to figure out what Echo has to do with Rex's parents. According to Echo, Clint (Viki's ex that cheated on her with Echo) gave her the necklace after a business trip to New Mexico. The writers are making it seem as though Clint and Echo are Rex's biological parents. But Rex found out his parents' names were Rick and Lili, when he went to Santa Fe. When Rex was talking about Rick and Lili's love letters, Viki thought they sounded familiar. Cut to Clint reading a book titled The Love Letters of Rick and Lili. Guess that answers that question. On a side note, I hate when casting directors pay no attention to genetics. Two blue-eyed parents can not produce a child with brown eyes!

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