About Me

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I was a Media Studies major at UNCG. My hobbies are reading science fiction/fantasy books, reading fanfiction, watching TV and movies. This is the second blog that I have worked on. An Invisible Point of View was started as a project for my MST 222 Internet & Society class.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Review of One Live to Live 11/2

There is so much chaos, conflict, and dysfunction on soap operas. It is always nice to happy family moments every now and then to counteract the bad things that happen to the families. It was great to see Todd, Tea, Dani, and Starr together after Tea's supposed death, kidnapping/hostage situations, and the explosion. Dani and Starr have not seen each other since Dani was sent to retrieve medical supplies for Eli. Shortly after that was when Starr and Hope were able to make an escape. Starr was finally able to hear that Dr. Greg Evans was helping Eli to convince Tea that she was dying of a brain tumor. Just as the Manning family is about to leave the hospital, they see Greg being taken away by the police. I wonder what he and Tea will say to each other.

I do not really understand why James decided to help Cole evade the police. I know that his motivation for doing that was Starr. I believe John was right in saying that it would be worse for both Cole and therefore Starr if he does not turn himself in.

As for Rex's bio parents storyline, Echo is trying to pump Rex's "adoptive mother", Roxie, for information on him. Afterward, she calls Clint and tells him that they need to talk tomorrow. Viki finally realizes that Rick and Lili's love letters came from a book. I have two questions regarding Clint/Echo/Rex. Does Clint know that Rex could be his son? And what did Clint do to Echo that was supposed to prevent her from troubling him?

It appears that Cristian and Gigi are going to Paris. Let's just hope that they do not develop romantic feelings for each other.

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