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I was a Media Studies major at UNCG. My hobbies are reading science fiction/fantasy books, reading fanfiction, watching TV and movies. This is the second blog that I have worked on. An Invisible Point of View was started as a project for my MST 222 Internet & Society class.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

General Hospital 12/21/2010

Today is the day! Luke and Tracy's wedding day, that is. Tracy is does not fully believe that her husband-to-be will go through with the ceremony. Maid of honor Lulu and bridesmaid Maya are trying to quell the bride's fears. Luke is having cold feet and is not dealing well with being sober. Lucky and Ethan are going to make sure that he doesn't pull a runaway groom.

Dante tells Sonny that a man matching Jerry Jacks' description was shot and fell into the river by the docks. I am so glad that that psycho Jerry is dead! Sonny mistakenly thinks that Brenda is safe with Jerry dead. It would have been too easy if Jerry was the Balkan. Jason hasn't heard the news about Jerry's death and does not want to go to the wedding with Brenda.

Spinelli is indulging in his film noir-ish private eye fantasies again and is caught by Carly. When will Carly and Spinelli give up on their stupid discredit Dante plan? It will only blow up in their faces and hurt everyone. But one good thing can come from their investigation--I want to know where the mysterious baby comes into play.

Darn, we still have to deal with psycho Lisa drama. Our estranged Scrubs are trying to work out holiday plans for their daughter. I do hope that these two can reconcile sometime down the line.

Sonny wants to incorporate Brenda into his children's lives this holiday season. Michael wants to know if Brenda intends to stay in Port Charles with Sonny or go back to Rome when the Balkan is dealt with. I would also like to know if this will be another failed romance between S&B, particularly since I did not watch when they were together before.

Jason and Sam take advantage of their Brenda-free time. Yay! There has not been enough of them in quite some time. Jason and Sam decide to get a Christmas tree together.

Poor Alice. She just can't stand that Luke loves Tracy. Father-of-the-bride Edward tests Luke's love for Tracy by offering him money not to go through with the marriage. Luke passed. Luke still has not signed Tracy's prenup. All the Spencer children and Alexis get him to sign, ensuring that the ceremony does take place.

Luke made it to the wedding. Tracy was so happy to see that her groom was waiting for her and that he had signed the prenup. She stopped the priest's speech in order to make sure that Luke did in fact sign. Luke professes his love and intentions to marry her. She responds in kind.

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